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How To Integrate NetSuite With Salesforce? What Are The Advantages?

NetSuite and SalesForce are right now two leading Software As A Service platforms, which are widely used by businesses all over the world
While NetSuite is the world's fastest-growing Cloud ERP platform, Salesforce is popular for handling CRM or Customer Relationship Management.
Since both of these mega-platforms are based on Cloud computing, and solves major problems for businesses, it makes sense to integrate them, and thus create a more powerful platform that empowers businesses to carry on ERP related operations, and handle leads and customers in an optimized manner.
We will share the benefits of integrating Salesforce with NetSuite, and how Inspirria can help you with this, but before, here is an overview on how to integrate them.
How To Integrate Salesforce With NetSuite
Integrating Salesforce and NetSuite means that either Salesforce is transferred to NetSuite platform, or vice versa.
Note here, that it’s not mandatory to integrate each and every module and process within NetSuite or Salesforce with each other. Depending on the business needs and requirements, we can integrate some or all features of these two Cloud computing platforms.
The main objective here is to enable the process of data transfer between Salesforce and NetSuite easier, seamless, and fast.
There are mainly two ways this integration can happen:
a) Via third party integration tools `
b) Via NetSuite & Salesforce API
Using a third party API is expensive, and generally not flexible, since we are limited with options, and can only use the features/capabilities which such 3rd party tools provide.
Usage of Salesforce and NetSuite API is more flexible since our developers can create the entire integration process from scratch, and make it customized for the specific business.
There is one big financial advantage as well: If you opt for direct integration of Salesforce with NetSuite, then only a one-time cost is involved, but if you opt for third-party tools, then your business will need to pay yearly maintenance and services costs.
Advantages Of Salesforce-NetSuite Integration
Real-Time Visibility Of Data: Imagine your sales team is about to close a deal, but before that, they are able to check out if inventory has that product or not. This real-time visibility of data is one of the biggest advantages of integrating Salesforce with NetSuite. This can help in other business operations as well, such as supply chain, finance, procurement, CRM, and more.
Consistent Data Updates: Once your customers’ and leads data is in-sync with sales and marketing, and finance and other business departments, then making decisions becomes faster, and there are fewer errors while taking critical decisions. For ensuring consistent data updates, integration of Salesforce with NetSuite is a must. This translates to better customer experience as well.
Faster Leads-To-Cash Process: Normally, under the traditional business process, converting a lead into a paying customer takes time and often gets delayed due to lack of information. With the successful integration of NetSuite and Salesforce, the leads-to-cash process becomes faster. Tracking sales and purchase lifecycle is seamless, and the sales and marketing team in in-sync with procurement and inventory. This converts to better revenues and increased profits.
With over 15 years of experience in Cloud Computing, Inspirria is an expert in integrating Salesforce with NetSuite. We are an award-winning Oracle NetSuite deployment and implementation partner, and our expert consultants will be able to provide you with the best technical and functional solutions when it comes to integrating Salesforce with NetSuite.